We're of deepest service when we share from the overflow.
In our desire to be of service in our lives, we often adhere to the faulty notion that we must place the needs of others ahead of our own. As a result, we experience overwhelm, exhaustion, resentment, and all manner of physical symptoms.
There comes a time when each one of us must step up and into the healthier version of herself who honors her own needs & desires as the very foundation upon which she builds her life, because she knows in her heart it's from this very space that she is of deepest service to all.
What's more?
Your loved ones and community will breathe a sigh of relief when you begin to care for you first, because they feel the effects of your stress and discontent. So the most loving thing you can do for them is to break your own pattern of self-denial, free them from carrying the burden of your unlived life, and model for them a life of joy, freedom and ease.
The great news is that the process of doing so is simple. It simply requires focused guidance.
Empowered Service™ 1.0: Filling Your Own Cup First
Our hybrid model of self-study+improv transforms daily life for each participant as she begins to notice that she:
... all while serving at a deeper level than she previously believed was possible.
chooses more effectively where she places her time & energy
enjoys healthier relationships based on clear boundaries
feels worthy of the success she desires
garners deeper respect from her peers
and generates the energy required to meet her potential

The Adventure
The Empowered Service™ 1.0 experience begins with a lighthearted improv gathering that provides a spark of energy & connection amongst the group, in preparation for a more private, individual exploration into what it is each of us would like to focus upon in her own life right now.
We'll then move on to a guided self-study during which we will
CLEAR the slate, take responsibility for our own success, tap into our desired feelings, and formulate the Statement of Desire that will be the central focus of our time together.
SHED light on our doubts and garner some understanding around why they show up so consistently in our lives.
ILLUMINATE the true Importance, Vision & Impact embedded within our Statements of Desire. This will allow us to further appreciate the purposeful nature of our desired experience, as well as how it just might hold deep benefit for others in our lives as well.
ADDRESS our beliefs and the roles they play in our ability to actualize our desired outcomes. Then we'll move on to gentle Negotiation with the parts of us who hold these beliefs to let them know it is indeed safe to move forward in a more inspired way.
EXPLORE what embodying your desire means for you personally by accessing the version of You who has fully actualized her desire. We'll also look carefully at the actions that will help you to step fully into your Future Self and reclaim the joy that comes with embodying who you truly are.
And finally, upon completion of the self-study, we'll enjoy a closing improv gathering, where we get to hear, feel & witness the positive shifts that have occurred throughout the course of the program!
A Word on Improv
Whether it strikes you as fun or frightening, improv is likely very different than you think it is!
Have a look!
"This program helps you to keep yourself in the forefront, which I feel is the key to being successful and happier in all parts of life. "
Have a listen!